Wednesday, April 26, 2017

I Used Facebook to Make 'The Skank' MY Bitch...And Go Away. Part 2

continued from part 1

Admittedly, using Facebook was not necessarily the 'grown-up' thing to do, but neither was an in person confrontation in my then current frame of mind.  My anxiety had escalated due to not only my son's mental health crisis, but also my husband's delay to completely end contact with 'the skank'.  I was unable to obtain a timely psychiatric appointment, instead relying on valium and lorazepam tablets given to me by a couple of friends.  Playing with 'the skank' on Facebook was actually a therapeutic distraction.  Albeit a negative distraction, it was a diversion nonetheless and that was good.

....I will admit, a few things she posted were a little unsettling, but there was no way I would be intimidated.  When provoked, I can be a nasty bitch. I could care less about getting in the gutter with her. 'The skank' would never out maneuver me.  

She'd post her little sayings about how there's one person 'you've had had feelings for since the day you met'.  She posted the Johnny Depp quote that 'if you love two people at the same time, choose the second because if you loved the first you wouldn't have fallen for the second.'  Reading her posts, I knew her mentality. And it became crystal clear to me early on that she deluded herself into thinking my husband was in love with her and expected him to leave me for her.  I demanded my husband tell me why she was under that impression since he told me not only did he not tell her that, but he didn't feel that way about her at all. She posted a picture with 'her best oldest best friend' and cropped out that person.  I recognized my husband's shirt.  Game on bitch...

My husband repeatedly shook his head saying she read something into the affair that wasn't there, although admitting he spent a lot of time with her over a 2 1/2 month period. I was not convinced, he must have indicated something to lead her on. He said no, he never directly indicated anything, however it was possible she inferred something based on the amount of time they spent together.  He said she had her own issues with not only medications, but excessive marijuana use and drinking. (Great, so you not only cheat, you cheat with crazy?!?). 

Unbeknownst to her, he said his ultimate goal was for me to find out and force some type of conversation.  He confessed he was frustrated with our situation and didn't know what else to do.  He even claimed he thought I would say something to him when I found out and it would force a conversation.  He said he expected me to file for divorce, but I don't believe that was the case.  She did not know his true intentions, and she fantasized that he was in love with her.  

I posted the Johnny Depp quote as a "question of the day."  A hint to the fact he could have gone to her but didn't...

"Question of the day? I actually agree with this quote, but what if you were actually FREE to go with the second and didn't, was it really love?"

Then another question of the day...

What a nice evening we had tonight. And as I am getting ready for bed, I am pondering another question...You’re about to lose your best, oldest best friend and have only one LAST phone call…What do you say?

When I posted Queens don't compete with hoes, she copied the photo and posted the same meme on her Facebook page with the comment, "If you post this, don't you feel like you're competing with someone?"  Her friend commented on the post about me being a "control freak with a godlike complex."  Shortly after this one, she finally blocked me, although continuing to enlist her friend to keep an eye on my page. 

My husband told me she would ask him 'Didn't you try to work on your marriage?  Didn't you go on 'date night's'?  After I heard that I posted quite a few photos of drinks in tagged locations with the caption 'date night'.  I even posted  'Thank you to the one who suggested date nights this summer, what a fabulous idea!' 

I posted quotes about losing friends such as 'don't you wish you could speak with someone again, for one last time'.  Coincidentally, my husband and I had dinner plans on National Spouse's Day in January. Pictures, food, #datenight. Posted.

I was relentless.  Subtle posts from my Facebook friends' perspective, who only mentioned the increase in photos of my husband and me. It was glaringly obvious to her of course.  I posted #waybackwednesday, #throwbackthursday #flashbackfriday photos.  I posted past vacation photos, a photo of him wearing the same shirt she posted, and the pièce de ré·sis·tance, a photo of my husband and me at her wedding 24 years ago. When I admitted to him posting that picture, I couldn't tell if he was more amused or horrified.  

She posted how she loved 'Love Ballard' (she can't spell either) by George Benson which reminded her of how much fun she had in the summer.  I posted throwback photos of us at a  George Benson concert.  Then I posted the YouTube video of Benson's Love Ballad, one of our favorite #weddingsongs, #memories.  I also posted Drake's YouTube video. #youusedtocallmeonmycellphone.

I would ask him occasionally if he'd heard from her.  He said no. At that time he was unaware of the full extent of the Facebook taunts going back and forth. But I strongly suspected she had been calling his office.  Of course he'd been home most nights, giving extra family attention and support to our son.  Between my posts and her inability to contact him, I'm convinced she had the impression he was avoiding her phone calls. 

He left early for his office on February 10 and came home mid-morning for breakfast. He had a smile on his face and said, 'you don't have to post anymore throwback Thursdays'.  He told me when he went into the office the night before there was a note on his door from her.  He called returned the call. 

'The skank' had been unable to reach him. She claimed she was out shopping with her friend and left a note on the door. A note on his door? How. Fucking. Pathetic.

Early into the conversation she attempted to tell on me regarding my Facebook posts.  He cut her short saying he didn't want to hear it and she shouldn't be looking at my page. During their conversation, he informed her I filed for divorce.  She said nothing in response which was not a surprise to me. I had already hinted at that information with my posts.  He then informed her her that because of what happened, they could not remain friends.  He loved me and wanted to make our marriage work.  He said she was upset with that.  She didn't want to lose her 'friend' and said she needed his help with a left over bill and some other issues arising from her divorce.  He said he couldn't help her.  He said the conversation was short and to the point and it was done.

For my own peace of mind and to move forward with my husband, I needed him to cut all ties.  Since we agreed he shouldn't initiate contact, it was up to me to make that call happen  posthaste, preferably before her vacation, hopefully putting a damper on her trip. So thank you Facebook. Mission accomplished.  A friend said I was entitled to one gloat post...

Bon Voyage Skank...

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