Monday, September 18, 2017

Sunday Night....

.....was September 18 last year.  I went to bed around 11:00pm.  I was volunteering at my son's school on Monday morning. For the past couple of years I would wake up around 5:20 with no alarm.  The stress of our disintegrating marriage was reaching a boiling point. I was walking on eggshells every day.  He was condescending and put me down constantly.  I could do nothing right. In return I was nasty to him, nit picking him to death about anything. He would criticize, I would retaliate. It was an endless circle of meanness, unhappiness and just pure misery.  I would attempt to avoid being home while he was here. He'd come in late and I'd find him asleep on the couch at 5:20 when I got up. He'd go to bed until 7:30 then drive my older son to high school while I brought my younger son to middle school.  But even as bad as things were, while I had the opportunity to reconnect with a long lost love from my past, I couldn't do it. I told one of my closest friends that I couldn't risk hurting my husband that way. He would never do that to me and if we ended up divorcing, I wanted him to know it was because of the way he treated me, not because there was another person in the middle of it.  My husband was an honorable man in his not so humble opinion, although I would categorize more accurately as holier-than-thou.  In any case, he would never cheat either...

At 3am (Sept 19), I woke up to use the bathroom. In a sleepy haze I wandered into the living room expecting to find my husband asleep on the couch. He wasn't home. I went back to bed, but couldn't sleep, something wasn't right. I picked up my phone, remembering the Find My Phone app we installed on all of our phones a couple of years ago. Hands trembling, I activated the app and his phone pinged in a residential neighborhood a couple of towns away.  I screenshot the location.  For a brief moment I considered driving there, but it was after 3am and he would have to come home at some point, so I waited until he pulled into the driveway a few minutes before 4:00am.  I pretended to be asleep while he came to bed and when he was asleep, I drove over to the house.  There were two possible houses, #5 and #7, so after I confirmed those addresses, I left, went home and googled the residents of that street. 

#7 had no residents that stuck out to me, but #5 had a Kim, in her 50's.  I found her on Facebook. Her profile was public, so I begin scrolling through her posts and pictures. Her status was separated.  A few minutes through, I found a picture of her and her mother.  Her mother who was the secretary in the office my husband worked in 30 years ago when he began his legal career. Kim, who had always had a crush on him and tried to convince him to be with her while she was engaged to her husband 25 years ago. Kim, who invited him to her wedding, then acted like a cunt to me while we were there. I had never known her last name. 

I then pulled up the Verizon mobile bill as the phones were in my name.  As I went through the calls, I became sick to my stomach as a Florida number littered his call log throughout September.  In August, July, June, May.  Less frequently, but still there from February through April.  Somehow I managed to work at school for my volunteer gig, but ended up leaving at lunch. I confirmed the Florida number as belonging to Kim. The cell activity would also have call locations and it was in that same town she lived. I could not concentrate. I phoned my friend who knew a good divorce lawyer. We had a martini and I booked an appointment with her friend for the following morning.


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