Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Karma's a Bitch...

...And I Love Her...

(Warning:  there is a lot of anger, swearing and sexual content in this post. If you are offended by the foul language and content, please just move on)...

People routinely complain Karma takes too long and frequently doesn't seem to materialize at all.  We all know someone who appears to get away with repeated bad behavior. We wish for them to experience a Karma which never seems to catch up.  But Karma caught my husband. Karma came swiftly and decisively, striking the most crushing blow.  It was the ideal Karma for him, pure perfection, ironic, yet bittersweet for me.

But first, let me give you a little background about my husband.  

I call him a germaphobe, but not in the sense of someone who constantly washes his hands.  He purchases rubber gloves by the case, using them to pump gas, take out the garbage, even wipe his ass when he shits (sorry for the TMI).  He is a fanatic about not eating other people's food. He only consumes food he has seen prepared to his stringent cleanliness standards.  He refuses to dine out in many places, only those he has scoped out in advance to observe how staff handles utensils and how they cook food. If a waitress puts a menu on top of the silverware, he will walk out because the restaurant isn't employing proper hygiene etiquette. If a restaurant has their doors open, he won't eat there because flies or rats may have gotten inside.  If he has to use a public toilet, he lines the seat with toilet paper.  He constantly sneaks peaks at me preparing his food, occasionally trying to 'catch' me in a hygiene slip.  I have to wash my hands with bar soap before making his food, liquid soap isn't adequate.  We'll occasionally grab a burger at a local place we like where he eats the bun and burger separately... with a fork.  He washes grapes, 4 or 5 at a time and wipes them individually with multiple pieces of paper towel before eating. Then he rinses 4 or 5 more and repeats the process until he's had enough.  I call him knuckles because he will take a dish of food to the table holding the plate with his knuckles.  Do I need to go on, or do you think you get the picture?

Now a little about the skank.

When my husband discussed the skank, he portrayed her as a faithful wife to a loser on the one hand, a pot smoking, excessive drinker (the reasons her ex filed for divorce) on the other. He said her mothering skills left much to be desired and that she was on all sorts of medications for mental issues. He said she was psycho and was quite sure she was no angel in her marriage.  He said he didn't want me to contact her because she is crazy and may initiate or falsify a provocation to try to get me arrested for harassment or something of the like.

He agrees that she always wanted more than friendship but also admits the decision was his to take the friendship further.  He insists that no matter what she did, if he didn't wish it to go further, it wouldn't have.  He stated they had fun together but his reason for being with her was to get back at me because of his festering resentment (which in truth was mutual).  He also expressed that it could have been anyone, but she was around and she was convenient.  But most importantly, she was 'clean' after being in a monogamous relationship for approximately 30 years.   

Initially when I confronted him about the affair, he appeared to not show much loyalty for the skank.  He referred to her as 'that girl'.  I don't love 'that girl'.  I'm not going to move in with 'that girl'.  He was more offended by her ex-husband, than by any real loyalty towards her.  She would cry to my husband about the ex saying all kinds of nasty things. Yet in their divorce interrogatories, details on how she would taunt the ex about his small dick were revealed. She portrayed him as a crappy husband and neglectful father to his special needs children, outraging my husband as we ourselves have autistic children. From what I've seen on the ex's social media and heard through the grapevine, he was no prize, but she was a piece of shit and made his life miserable. He was frustrated with her alcohol and marijuana abuse. She was on a cocktail of medications to treat her various mental issues.  The ex currently has good relationships with his grown kids and is finding happiness with a nice woman.  

The skank has no one now.  But at least she's clean.

And then there was a nasty bubbly red rash which appeared down under a couple of months ago.  It started to ooze and was really painful.  What is that creeping crud asshole?   How many times did you fuck her?  HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU FUCK HER?   

So she was clean was she?

Well then, how the fuck did you get herpes asshole? She is a dirty fucking whore.      HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU FUCK HER?

Yup - he got herpes. There was a nasty little outbreak, then another shortly after.  And THAT is why he came clean about sleeping with her.   Had he not contracted herpes, he would have kept on lying to my face, over and over when I asked him, "Did you fuck her?"  He has now had several outbreaks, most likely induced by the many stresses we have been dealing with. He will also have to take a daily anti-viral medication for the rest of his life. 

Karma struck a forceful, swift, decisive blow to my husband. In his germaphobe brain, the absolute worst thing resulting from screwing around would be contracting not only an STD, but a lifelong STD.  He did. In spite of the fact that he now exposed me as well to this STD, I have taken quite a bit of pleasure in watching him receive his quintessential Karma.  I can't imagine anything worse for him. Not only did he contract a disease, but the beauty of it is that the dirty disgusting whore skank was responsible for handing him his Karma on a silver platter.

He was absolutely mortified when the doctor confirmed herpes. He loathes taking medication of any kind.  A daily pill is hard pill for him to swallow, but he needs to take it to reduce the risk of spreading the virus to me. When she reminisces about her fairytale summer with the 'love of her life', he will be remembering her as the dirty skank whore who gave him herpes. He never believed in Karma, always making a joke if I referred to it.  He's not laughing now...

I told him she knew she had it and neglected to tell him because she knew he'd never sleep with her.  He at first said maybe she didn't know. But as stress sometimes initiates outbreaks and she is on her litany of crazy pills, I unequivocally believe she absolutely knew.  He agrees. I told him to call her and tell her.  He refused, saying, 'let her figure it out herself.' 

When I learned about the affair and made a doctor's appointment, he said go, get checked out, there is nothing to worry about.  EVERY STD test of mine came back negative.  And I hadn't been sleeping with him while he slept with her.  It is indisputable that he got it from her.  My physician and I discussed the fact that the herpes virus can be dormant, however, since I've been with my husband for 25 years, the antibody test would have shown positive had either of us had been exposed to the virus in the past.  Mine was negative.  Of course, it is now likely he will pass the virus to me if he hasn't already.  Collateral damage. 

I've been manic these past few weeks, in a rage. My anxiety and anger have escalated.  I have thrown this herpes thing in his face ad nauseum.  The anger and trust issues that had been subsiding over the past 8 months until this revelation came forth returned with full vengeance. This revelation also initiated my recent attempt to contact the skank.  She will not answer the phone nor agree to speak with me. 

And now, back to square one.  I don't trust him.   I wonder what else he is lying about.  He says that was the only thing. He claims he was afraid to tell me because our reconciliation was going well and he knew I'd be upset. He said I kept saying I already knew anyway, so he didn't want to rock the boat.  He set us back. Way back. 

So again, I don't trust him, but to go further, if he even thinks of going back with her, they fucking deserve each other...

Regardless of what happens, Karma got him. Karma got him good.


  1. I'm speechless.

    Call her from HIS phone. She will answer. I don't know how you're dealing with this. I would be livid, and probably facing assault charges.

    1. He locks his phone - If I called once she heard it was me she would hang up - I could text, but I don't want it in writing. I was at the hairdresser yesterday and he frequents a place she goes to (and went to with my husband). I showed him her picture and he said she looked familiar. I told him. He is going to deliver a message if he sees her...I will get my say, eventually...

    2. I've actually rethought this and I will take care of her myself with a message from a burner phone, should I decide I want to tell her. I am furious right now and probably not in the right mind to make a decision at this time...


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