My husband cheated. His decision. But I hate the skank. Seriously, I really, really hate her. It's no secret. She's a fucking nut and I've enjoyed pushing her buttons in the past, but I'm not supposed to now. When I fuck with her head, she contacts my husband. We have more important things to deal with and I really don't want her calling him. But I'm torn, craving to push her buttons now. I want to fuck with her head, make her feel a little pain when she thinks back to a year ago, as I do. I know I get to her because I've done it before.
It was a year ago on September 19, when I learned of the affair. Coincidentally, (or not) on the 17th, that piece of garbage #stdqueen changed her profile picture on Facebook to a photo of her and my husband. He was cropped out, but I recognized the shirt. She had posted the picture on her page back in January to bust my balls.
Since the last round of contact in early July, I agreed not to provoke her and my husband told her to stay off my social media pages. I blocked her accounts. Recently, I found 5, yes 5 Instagram profiles belonging to her. How do I know this? They are her first name with the last four digits of a phone number she thought I didn't know about. I actually didn't know about it until I saw two of those texts to my husband in July. You see, it was SHE who had a burner phone, hiding it from her husband who had just filed for divorce in September 2015. She used it to talk with a guy she met from Europe while on a cruise and then used it with my husband. (They guy dumped her and is happy with another woman. Her ex-husband is happy with another woman. My husband dumped her to reconcile with me. She is not a happy camper).
I blocked her main Instagram profile which was private (no photo). Then a new one appeared a few days later with her full name (no picture) and I was able to identify the account by her followers. I blocked that and just for the hell of it I looked up Kimba with the last four numbers of that phone number a few days later. Bingo. 0 followers, 0 following, no picture. I also looked up similar accounts and none were there. Two days later, Kimmie with the last four numbers appeared, again, no picture, followers or following. Today I found Kimberly with the last four, all the same format with the name_4numbers. A new account that wasn't there a few days ago. This last account was private with the same amount of followers/following as the one she was really using. Then I looked up Kimberly with her middle initial and one by one put in the letters of her last name and came up with another ID with random characters after the first 3 letters of the last name. I showed my husband all of the accounts from my son's Instagram as well as her fake Facebook profile and a fake Facebook profile in MY name which I didn't create. All blocked. He shook his head saying she's either really stupid or just fucking with me.
Did I ever mention that her mother was trash as well. She and her 2nd husband, Kimba's step father were swingers. They would randomly fuck other couples. Apparently the skank doesn't fall too far from the tree.
My husband has known the skank for over 30 years. He had always expressed to her how much he loved his family over the years. When things were bad between us, her husband had filed for divorce. The timing was perfect. He has since told her we are together, he loves me and he loves his family. He told her there would be no contact between me and her, and no contact between her and me. He instructed her not to contact him either. I believe she knows he won't leave me for her. Therefore, I also am convinced she is stirring the pot to cause conflict between me and my husband. If I leave HIM, she figures he'll come running back to her. I told him my theory and he agreed that she is definitely trying to provoke me. Additionally, he agreed of my assessment of her motive to drive a wedge between us.
She can't see much on Facebook, but with my open Instagram account, she can see what I post. I did begin adding some "inspirational quotes" similar to ones I posted in January to which she immediately reacted. This week, I added a couple of these gems. Subtle, but aimed at her. I was planning to ramp it up a bit. She hates these...

But today, my husband and I were talking about this as well as other issues we were dealing with. He was concerned about me taunting her because he really didn't want to deal with her and honestly, I really don't need the aggravation either. So I did what I swore I wouldn't do. I changed my Instagram to private. My husband said don't change what I do because of her, just don't provoke her. Well, provoking is part of what I do when pushed. I told him that. I told him I enjoy it. It makes me feel better. She provoked me and that deserves a reaction. Subtly. But since he wanted me to ignore her, the only way I could possibly do that was to restrict my Instagram. I also told him she may really get upset when she can't see anything. Again, he said don't do that, just post normally. No. I want her irritated. I want her frustrated. But I also don't want to waste time on her. So private Instagram it is.
I've read that a classy person just ignores and walks away. Really? Do people really do that? Fuck that. She is actively trying to destroy my family because of what SHE wants. I don't have to be classy. I want to react but I know it's probably better not to. So I took to the blog. Not a writing masterpiece, but at least I can blow off a little steam.
I hope blocking provokes her. I hope she gets manic because of her frustration of not being able to see anything. I hope she questions how on earth I found that last account with the gobbledygook name. Yes skank, I know your middle initial. She still gets to me, but to her, it looks like she doesn't. She didn't get a clear reaction from me when she changed her profile picture. And every other day, when she logs into her Instagram, she finds that I've blocked her and has to create another account. Now, tonight, or tomorrow, she's gonna see my account has become private.
Game on skank...
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