Meet Dolly

I am a 50 something, married, stay at home mom.  My two sons are young teens.  Early on, both were diagnosed with autism. They are very smart young men, straight A students and knowledgeable on a variety of subjects.  

I like sweat pants, yoga pants and leggings.  I a coffee lover by morning, wine and martini lover by night!  I'm a great cook (not a baker) and I enjoy gardening, although my allergies aren't so happy with that hobby.  I love photographing my kids as well.

I met my husband 25 years ago shortly 
after he ended a 9 year relationship. I was a receptionist at an office he frequently called, and we'd joke on the phone when he called for my boss. Eventually, we went out to lunch on a blind date. There was an instant connection but he was not interested in jumping into another relationship.  After a few weeks of dating, he broke things off saying things were 'going too good..."  He casually dated for a couple of months, had a brief reconciliation with his former girlfriend, and 5 months later, we ran into each other and that was that.  We've been together ever since, married 17 years.

However, this past September, I discovered he was having an affair.  I hired an attorney and served him with divorce papers before he knew what was happening.  He says he expected it, but I think I shocked him. He didn't think I had the balls enough to do it.  He admitted he didn't want a divorce and we agreed to work on our marriage.  But I am hurt and angry. He did the worst thing he could do to me.  It was a bitter betrayal. 

I wrote my first couple of posts as a form of therapy. I sent one to Blunt Moms.  The editor emailed saying 'what a raw story' and that they were going to run it. As of this date of this, it has not yet been published, but should be posted any day now.  It's called Three Strikes You're Out - Letter to My Husband's Mistress.  I wrote that post a couple of months ago, not really expecting anyone to see it.  I was very angry when I wrote it and honestly thought it was pretty good. I sent it to Blunt Moms but didn't really think it would be published. I was pleasantly surprised.

I also wrote My Husband's Affair Saved Our Marriage around the same time and sent it to Scary Mommy.  I thought it was okay, nothing special and didn't think they'd publish it, but I received an email saying they were going to run it on Saturday (April 15).  I read all the comments when it was posted and a lot were very judgmental.  But there was also a lot of support from women who were in similar situations. 

I am hoping this blog does evolve beyond infidelity, but for now, my focus is on this subject as the betrayal is still quite fresh. Writing helps.

Dolly  xoxo

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