Tuesday, June 13, 2017


...I think not.  

I remember in March, 2016, before the affair started, I had an inkling for no apparent reason to check Find My Phone and it located him at home I later learned was hers.  He had supposedly been helping her at that time as a 'friend'.  I knew he had other clients in that town and dismissed it.  In retrospect, I shouldn't have. 

He shut of location services on his phone and put a lock code on it. He says I should trust him and doesn't expect me to be checking up on him now.  He told her back in November not to call his cell phone.  He also told me that she called him in February (when I actually goaded her into making that call), and he informed her they were not only over, but couldn't be friends any more.  According to him, she has not contacted him since February and he assured me that he will let me know if she does.  So now he is the perfect husband again and committed to making our marriage work.  He refuses to go to any kind of counseling. And I am supposed to have blind faith in him.  Umm.  Nope.

I check the cell phone bill religiously every month. I google numbers that are not familiar, especially those originated or received from her town.  And on the June statement, I found a call originating there on May 31 at 1:30pm.  I googled the number and it belonged to a local dry cleaner.  Problem one, my husband's dry cleaner is several towns away, near his office.  Problem two, this dry cleaner is less than a mile from the skank's house. 

I told him today that when I paid the cell phone bill online, I discovered a call from that dry cleaner.  He said his dry cleaner does a shitty job (which he has in fact admitted in the past) and that this one had a good reputation.  He also said he tried a couple of other ones and I also found those numbers on the cell phone bill.  

But he lied to my face for eight months about sleeping with her.  Is he lying to me now that they have had no contact since February.  Am I supposed to have this blind faith in him now? Is this a coincidence.  What am I supposed to think?  What am I supposed to do?

I have driven by a few times in the morning, but not in the afternoon.  A friend of mine who lives in the same town said she'd be willing to go by on occasion when she's in the vicinity and will snap a picture of the skank's car if it's there.

Less than two weeks and I will be at the beach.  I have no way of knowing what he's up to.  I have no way of knowing if he's going to be at her house, working, or just home. Halfway through our stay however,  he is scheduled for surgery to remove a spot of skin cancer.  I feel Karma is a teeny bit in play as this could have been a minor thing, but seems to have grown into something much more complicated and challenging. It morphed into a more substantial surgery and much larger potential for a prominent scar.  I have to come home to transport him to his two surgeries, first a MOHs surgery to remove the cancer, then general anesthesia the next day to reconstruct the hole that's going to be left on his face.  In spite of that, there are two weeks he won't be accounting for his time.

I don't like living with all this suspicion, but I can't seem to get past it.  I don't like the subtle satisfaction I get when Karma comes a calling.  And believe me, Karma has come for him and I don't mean with the skin cancer itself, but more accurately the complications. Since the affair was unearthed, he has had a run of particularly bad luck.  Some may disagree and that's fine, I'm not looking to impose my opinions on anyone, nor debate my beliefs.  

But what I see as his true Karma has dealt him a swift, decisive blow which I will be exposing in the near future. This is not related to the skin cancer, business and financial difficulties he is also now experiencing.  This Karma is much more personal, so profoundly appropriate for him, and delivered directly by the skank.  

But for now, I don't trust him. I don't trust him. I really don't trust him. He's been trying, and I may very well be wrong, but I just don't trust him...


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