She had called him several times in October, then in November once the divorce was final, informing him she was going to Florida for the holidays. He forbid her to call his cell phone and said to only contact him on his office phone. I told him if he expected us to move forward, we had to leave the past in the past other than learning from our mutual mistakes, and that included her. Finally understanding my point of view, he agreed to completely sever all ties.
Intuitively, I knew she had been calling him once she returned in early January, but aside from the marital issues, a family issue cropped up after we agreed to try and salvage our marriage. My younger autistic son had anxiety issues emerge and we all joined forces to help him. My husband cut down his work hours at night, coming home for dinner and then staying in, rather than going back to his office for a few hours. She didn't know that. As far as she knew, he was in the office, ignoring her phone calls.
He had agreed to cut off the friendship and promised he would call to apprise her of the situation. But he then asked me if I thought initiating that call was the prudent action since he hadn't heard from her in over a month. I told him I actually thought of that myself. He thought it best if he told her next time she called. I said fine. I also stated he needed to tell her a couple of things. One, that I filed for divorce. He never told her the divorce papers were filed after I found out about the affair. She told him he could stay with her. She thought she was going to get him once the shit hit the fan. And he never even told her when it did, never mind go to her. Two, because he loved me and we were working on our marriage, they could not be friends.
She threw a red herring out for her friends. She met some guy on a cruise who resides in Sweden. She gushed on her Facebook page about meeting him and it was the 'best day of her life'. She was planning to visit him around Valentine's Day.
So the task at hand was to get her to call my husband before she went on her vacation without me directly contacting her. I knew that she would be devastated when all ties were cut, seriously fucking with her mind before her trip.
My anxiety had peaked and was now almost debilitating. The affair combined with my son's mental health crisis overwhelmed me. I promised my husband I would not confront 'the skank' in person and frankly, I wouldn't have trusted myself to show any modicum of calmness or restraint. So I turned to the next best thing, Facebook. Not the most grownup thing to do, but effective nonetheless.
Social media can be such an asset yet such an invasion of privacy. I poured through her Facebook account at length. I read every single post and every single comment. At the end of my research, I felt like I knew 'the skank' personally.
After learning everything I possible could about her, I then had to confirm she was actually stalking my page. I publicly posted a meme with the comment...
"No matter how hard you try, you will never be me or have what I have. And oh my, you've put on some weight, and ease up on the photoshop you skank, you look like shit...

Honestly, I didn't think there'd be a reaction. It would be pretty stupid to for her to tip her hand. But as my husband told me previously, 'she's not too smart.' Sure enough she started posting within hours, one comment being 'your life is so perfect why are you worried about mine. Go away'. In that moment I knew I had her. She was my bitch now...
to be continued...
I use Facebook too. I have an account with my name, but its her picture that I made a meme out of. Whenever I get angry at her, I'll post memes, ecards and anything else that makes me feel a bit better, even if it's just for a second. I've posted screen shots of texts between her and I, even posted a voicemail she left my husband. I basically use it to yell at her. She's never seen it though... lol. I wish she would stumble on it. It's so immature of me, but still less evil than what she did to me and my family. I've been good though, I haven't posted on it since November.
ReplyDeleteLOL - yes, it does give a little pleasure. I made specific posts public knowing she'd see it - the best was the #waybackwednesday photo of my husband and me kissing at her wedding. There was no mistaking the chairs from the venue and the centerpiece. I would have killed to be a fly on the wall when she saw that post! For about 6 weeks in January-Feb I posted waybackwednesday, throwbackthursday and flashbackfriday photos of me and my husband and made them public. I know it upset her. She had blocked me on FB but a couple of months ago she unblocked me. I ended up just blocking her. I don't really care if she goes on my page as I only post a few quotes and jokes public, but I want to make her work for it! You've been good, I still throw in a quote or picture once every couple of weeks just to remind her whose pond she was fishing in.
Deletesorry for the late reply - I am new to blogging and for some reason I hadn't been notified of comments!
I hope things are getting better for you! xoxo Dolly