I consider myself a spiritual person more than a religious one. I was brought up and educated in Catholic school and I do believe in God, but I have digressed as to following strict Catholic doctrine as I've become older. There are so many religions and so many that believe in God so who's to say which religion is right or wrong. Frankly, I have been turned off by people, including my own mother who behave as I like to call "Sunday Catholics." It is imperative that they go to church on Sunday, yet treat people like shit Monday - Saturday. I prefer to live by the Golden Rule, treat others as you would like to be treated. I am the first to admit I am not perfect and am not always the nicest person, but I do try.
That being said, I believe in God and I believe in angels. I am on the fence about psychics as I feel that some people have a gift and are tuned into things most of us miss. I have sought out psychics a handful of times and felt a couple made some accurate guesses but no earth shattering knowledge was revealed. One girl that I saw last year however, knew things she just couldn't have known regarding family members who've passed. I felt that she was clearly in tune with the spiritual realm.
There is a lot written about angel numbers. It's been said when you see 11 11, make a wish. Some say 11 11 means there is a window opening in your life and you should ask your angels for help to find out what this window is. Some say it is your angels sending a sign that they are with you and to stay positive. In addition, some claim finding pennies, dimes or white feathers are also signs that angels are near.
A couple of years ago, it seemed that every time I glanced at a clock, the time contained an 11. Frequently, I would see 9:11 and then 11:11 began appearing over and over. Grocery receipts would show savings of $11.11. Packages of meat would cost $11.11. In addition, I would see all hours showing 11 (3:11, 9:11, etc.) As a matter of fact, I would be out with my friends, look at my phone and the time would be something 11. My friends would be blown away when I showed them the time.
Once June, 2016 approached, the 11's came furiously. I would always see 11:11. I would snap a screenshot twice a day. I saw 11's everywhere, so much so, I googled what it meant. The following paragraph from The Elephant Journal, written by Kate Rose, resonated with me, but only after the affair had been discovered...
"11:11 is the universe’s way of urging us to pay attention to our heart, our soul and our inner intuition. It’s serving as a wake-up call to us so that opportunities are not missed in this lifetime. Seeing this particular sequence means that the universe is trying to have us open our eyes and begin paying more attention to the synchronicities around us."
I knew my marriage was failing. I sensed a change was coming, but while divorce was a very real option, I never expected my husband was having an affair. The 11's were overwhelming, on license plates, store receipts, every single day I would see 11:11 in the morning and at night without even trying. Everywhere I looked was 11.
I discovered his affair in September and the 11's virtually stopped...until a couple of weeks before the beach, early June, 2017. The 11's started coming again, not as furiously as before, but with increasing frequency. This has been a bit unnerving as I have not figured out why. Could it be because I needed to confront the skank? Is he doing something he shouldn't be doing? Am I being paranoid because this is the anniversary of when the affair started?
I haven't figured it out yet. But as I am writing this post, I realize today is 7/11...
I'm raising two autistic sons with multiple potentially deadly food allergies. I was blindsided by my husband's affair and am navigating through the healing process while we try to rebuild our marriage. It's still fresh, D-Day was September 19, 2016 and 'the skank' wasn't officially given her final walking papers until February 10, 2017. She actually thought they could still be 'friends'. Um...No. It's been a roller coaster ride so far.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
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